




Dear young proteomics researchers,

We are delighted to invite you to the VII meeting for young proteomics researchers, organized by the Spanish Society of Proteomics. This society has been committed for years to promoting the advancement of proteomics research and fostering collaboration among researchers in Spain, as well as the inclusion and participation of young researchers. This meeting is a testament to the society's objectives, which it has been fulfilling since its foundation.

This year's meeting, which will take place on February 15th and 16th, 2023 at Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares, promises to be a valuable and engaging experience for all attendees. The program will cover a wide variety of topics related to proteomics, while taking advantage of the location at the National Center for Cardiovascular Research, a special session of cardiovascular proteomics. Additionally, the Spanish Society of Proteomics will offer a pre-meeting course that will be of interest to attendees.

We want to emphasize that the meeting will be dynamic and flexible, with a particular focus on participation. We strongly encourage all attendees to actively participate in the discussions and share their experiences, regardless of whether they have new results to present.

The Spanish Society of Proteomics, in collaboration with the Fundación Instituto Roche, has generously offered scholarships for students and laboratory technicians. These scholarships will help to cover the costs associated with attending the meeting. To apply for the scholarship, please send your application to

We are confident that this meeting will be a valuable and we hope will be an enriching experience. To stay informed and engaged before, during and after the meeting, we encourage you to follow our social media accounts:

Twitter: @seprotmeeting

Instagram: viiseprotproteomicsmeeting


We feel privileged to include the following message from the President of the Spanish Society of Proteomics, directed especially to its members:


Queridos socios,

Desde el año 2008 nuestra Sociedad organiza de forma bienal las Jornadas de Proteómica para Jóvenes Investigadores. Estas Jornadas pretenden dar un protagonismo especial a nuestros socios más jóvenes y son ellos los que las organizan y coordinan. Barcelona, Córdoba, Santiago de Compostela, Bilbao, Toledo y Madrid han sido las sedes de nuestras reuniones previas que siempre han tenido un carácter flexible y dinámico, donde lo más importante es la participación, la discusión y donde los estudiantes cobran protagonismo. Este año volvemos a Madrid en el mes de febrero donde, junto con las Jornadas, también tenéis la posibilidad de asistir a un curso de estadística dirigida a estudios proteómicos que creemos que os gustará.

Desde aquí queremos invitaros y animaros a participar de forma activa en este evento para que siga siendo un éxito y un foro para conocernos un poco más, aprender y presentar vuestros trabajos. Desde SEProt apoyaremos a nuestros estudiantes con becas de viaje para que podáis asistir.

Os esperamos
